The components of SterileLife do absolutely no harm to people and domestic animals. The primary ingredient TiO2 has been approved for use in foods and consumer products such as sunscreen, food coloring, and toothpastes.
No. There are no unpleasant smells. Just the opposite effect happens, after the photocatalytic reaction begins, undesired odors are eliminated.
As microbes come into contact with the SterileLife coating, the cell structures change and many microbes die very quickly, and the cells continue to decompose until the microbes are turned into harmless vapors.
It removes almost all odors, e.g. tobacco smell, odors of volatile substances (Ketones, thinners, solvents, etc.) or even various domestic animals smells (such as from methane).
Yes, we guarantee 100% efficiency even in the freezing cold.
Yes, carpets treated SterileLife coating will not only resist odors and grease, but also pests, such as the mites. High efficiency if you have pets.
Coated surfaces rid the air of organic substances (ethylene, etc.), present also in the human breath or in the cigarette smoke. These substances harm plants, causing them to age faster, and die. That is why we also recommend SterileLife to florists.
SterileLife can assist Asthmatics as it works to remove potential triggers of asthma such as dust mites, spores and VOC’s by eradicating them as they come in contact with a SterileLife treated surfaces.
When SterileLife is applied, it dry’s in minutes leaving a very thin (nanometers thin) colorless protective photocatalytic coating. So it shouldn’t affect the painted surface color at all.
When SterileLife is applied, it dry’s in minutes leaving a very thin (nanometers thin) colorless protective photocatalytic coating. So it shouldn’t affect the painted surface color at all.
Testing performed in the Laboratory provides the evidence that illuminated surfaces treated with SterileLife are highly effective in destroying bacteria and viruses. This not only helps the control of disease in schools and pre-schools, but any public access locale such as transportation, office buildings, shopping malls, health care facilities, lodging facilities such as hotels and inns or entertainment venues. The list is unlimited.